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We are committed to helping people in Melbourne and beyond to know God, grow in freedom, discover purpose and make an impact. In doing so we are playing an important part in the revitalisation of the church and the transformation of society.
We can each play our part in this vision by praying, serving and giving towards the work of our parish.
We are grateful for each gift no matter what the amount or how the gift is made, however if you regularly attend St Scholastica’s, we would love for you to consider setting up a regular, weekly/fortnightly/monthly donation. Regular giving is crucial for us as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects and reach as many people as possible with the love of Jesus. Right now, you can give regularly by direct debit clicking "Give regularly" above, or alternatively by contacting our office on 03 9808 2492
As Christians, giving is our response to God’s amazing grace and the indescribable gift of his son to us. Generous giving blesses others and supplies the needs of God’s people, it is also an act of obedience and trust – in doing it we are saying that it is God, not ourselves or anyone else, who ultimately provides for our needs.
Giving should never be forced or grudging, but rather voluntary and cheerful. ‘Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves a giver whose heart is in his giving.’ (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Giving financially is just one way of expressing generosity. If you’re struggling financially or in debt, we encourage you to express generosity in a non-financial way by serving on a team, praying for the Church, or being generous with your time towards others.
The Old Testament practice was to give the first portion of produce/income to God; what was called a tithe. The idea here was about giving our first and best portion back to God, to serve his purposes, recognising that everything we have is ultimately God's gift to us. The practise of tithing also helped to safeguard people's hearts from the idolising of money.
In the New Testament there is no specific direction about how much to give, but there was clearly a radical generosity in the followers of Jesus as they sought to care for each other and advance the mission of the Jesus through the local churches.
Ultimately though, we give because God gave himself to us first. Our financial giving is an act of worship. It is a concrete way that we put God first in our lives and show gratitude for all that God has given us.
At St Scholastica's we offer a few principles for giving:
1. Give your first and best portion to God.Try to avoid giving God your scraps. Setting up an automatic transfer on pay day is a good way of doing this. (Automatic giving also helps us with budgeting and reduces our administration).
2. Start with one hour.We encourage people who are working full-time to start by contributing one hour of their salary per week. There is a spiritual value in knowing that you are dedicating one hour of your work to supporting the mission of Christ in the world.
3. Ask God to guide you.Some people have the means to give much more than one hour a week. Others have limited income and are limited in their capacity to give. Some people are given a special gifts for raising capital for God's purposes. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your giving.
If you have any further questions about your financial support of our mission, please feel most free to contact the office and organise a time with me.
Thanks again for your generosity!
We are grateful for each gift no matter what the amount or how the gift is made, however if you’re part of St Schol’s, we would love for you to consider setting up a regular, weekly/fortnightly/monthly gift. Regular giving is crucial for us as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects and reach as many people as possible with the love of Jesus. Right now, you can give regularly by direct debit by clicking here, or alternatively by contacting our office on 03 9808 2492
Yes. Our account details are:
St Scholastica’s Parish
BSB: 083 347
Account No: 6868 18 033
Quote your first name and surname as the reference.
Note: Once you’ve set up a recurring gift, email the team at admin@stscholasticaparish.com.au to let us know. This allows us to identify your gift, create an annual statement for you, and thank you.
Yes, you can donate directly to the Priest's by bank transfer. The account details are:
Missionaries of God's Love
BSB: 063112
Account number: 10570181
You can request a giving statement any time by emailing our team at admin@stscholasticaparish.com.au
You can fill out the form here or contact our office
Email: admin@stscholasticaparish.com.au
Phone: 03 9808 2492
For any other questions, please contact Amelia at
Email: admin@stscholasticaparish.com.au
Phone: 03 9808 2492